Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dirty Veggies, Part 12

This week's farmer's market was a bit of a challenge for me. Mostly because we can open up our own little farm stand with the amount of veggies we have in the house! Have I mentioned our squash problem? Because we have such an abundance, I didn't want to over do it at the market and end up throwing away any pretty produce.

However, I went to the farmer's market with a particular recipe in mind. Parsnip-Rosemary Muffins. Parsnip. In muffins. Doesn't that sound like the most amazing idea ever? Okay, okay, fine, I'm sure that chocolate and peanut butter in muffins sound much more amazing, but I love parsnips! And I love rosemary. Can you see how putting the two together would equal excitement? 

This week's roundup:
1 head of garlic - $1.25
1 bunch of kale - $2.00
1 bunch rosemary - $1.50
7 Bosc pears - $2.25
6 large parsnips - $3.00
Total: $10.00

These muffins were quite good if parsnip and rosemary are your thang. This recipe could easily be made into a bread loaf too.

Parsnip-Rosemary Muffins

by Bonnie Graham
Cook Time: 20 to 25 minutes
Keywords: bake breakfast snack vegetarian parsnips rosemary

Ingredients (1 1/2 dozen)
  • 1 3/4 c whole wheat pastry flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 c apple sauce
  • 1/4 c brown rice syrup or sweetener of your choosing
  • 1 c plain fat free yogurt
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 large parsnips, grated
  • 2 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease muffin tins.
2. Mix all dry ingredients together until combined.
3. Add all wet ingredients except grated parsnips and rosemary. Combine well.
4. Add in parsnips and rosemary. There are a lot of parsnips in this muffin!
5. Fill muffin tins 1/2 way with batter. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean and muffin top bounces back when pushed.
6. Allow muffins to cool for 10 minutes.
7. Enjoy toasted with butter!
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Snacky Snack

I have a goal to never puke on my yoga mat. I think it's a good goal. It's something that's generally frowned upon in the yoga community.

When my Yoga Teacher Training started two weekends ago, I knew I needed to come up with some light, healthy snacks that were portable, good on the blood sugar, and wouldn't make me want to hurl in the middle of my Downward Facing Dog.

What I came up with were this cookies, inspired by Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz has started to make a strange appearance in our household lately. Mostly because Jerry has decided he is a middle-aged housewife who just loves Dr. Oz.

I have to admit, his show can be pretty engaging. Especially since he often tauts a lifestyle we already live, which includes a non-processed, whole foods diet with plenty of physical activity. You can keep this recipe in line with that philosophy by using plant-based protein powder and unrefined sugar.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Cookies

by Bonnie Graham
Cook Time: 10 - 12 minutes
Keywords: bake snack vegetarian oats peanut butter

Ingredients (12 cookies)
  • 1/3 c natural peanut butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp sucanat (unrefined sugar)
  • 2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 c oats
  • 2/3 c ground flaxseed meal
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix together eggs, sucanat, applesauce, peanut butter and vanilla.
3. Add protein powder, oats, flax meal, salt, baking soda, and pumpkin pie spice, if using.
4. Drop spoonfuls dough onto parchment-lined cookie sheet.
5. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes or until golden brown.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Apple Challenge

I love apple picking. Mostly because I love to leave the orchards with a ridiculous little plastic bag (what's with that?!) packed to the gills with apples that I can never possibly finish before they all go bad.

I see it as a challenge! The apples are challenging me to eat them! And I do. In every possible variation.

Two simple ways to enjoy all those fall apples are in apple sauce and apple butter. These recipes are reeeeeeediculously easy and delicious. So easy, it makes you spell bad, yo. Also, there is no added sugar. Yay for those of us with broken pancreases!

Slower Cooker Apple Sauce and Apple Butter

by Bonnie Graham
Keywords: slow-cooker sauce apples cinnamon fall

  • 5 lbs sweet and tart apples, leaving skins on - the natural pectin in the skin helps to thicken the sauce
  • 1 - 2 tsp cinnamon, or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg, or to taste
  • juice of 1 lemon
For Apple Sauce:
1. Slice apples and add to slow cooker. Add lemon juice and spices.
2. Set to low heat for 4 hours. Stir occasionally if you can.
3. After 4 hours, remove from slow cooker and puree sauce to desired consistency. Enjoy!
For Apple Butter:
1. Follow the directions for the apple sauce, except puree until their are no lumps and mixture is smooth.
2. Add pureed apples back to the slow cooker. Cook on high for 1 hour without the cover on. Stir occasionally if you can.
3. You can cook longer if you're looking for a more caramel-y consistency, but you'll end up with less apple butter.
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Hi, I'm Bonnie and I'm a Diabetic.....

On the first day of yoga teacher training, we were paired off as an icebreaker to get to know one another. The person you were paired with was the one was going to introduce you to the rest of the group and then vice versa. Because of the odd number of students, we had three in our group. 

As we went around asking each other where we were from and what we did as our day jobs, I wondered if I should share that I am type 1 diabetic. Do I introduce myself as though I'm at an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting? Hi, I'm Bonnie and I'm a diabetic? Would a purpose be served in sharing this information? 

I am really of two minds about it. One mind feels like this is private information that a room full of strangers don't necessarily need to know. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed. Hell, I don't even mind questions, but no one else seems to announce any of their preexisting health conditions. Right? 

The other mind says that it could be useful information in this setting. It's a safety issue, really. Any person involved in the teaching and training of others in a physical way should be aware of these health conditions, what issues might come up in class, and why it's good to know. I will be telling all the instructors so they know why I walk away from my mat in the middle of a Sun Salutation to eat applesauce. Another reason to share is that I like being an advocate for diabetes awareness, especially type 1, since so few seem to have accurate information about it. 

As time ticked down on our ice-breaker in class, the decision needed to be made on whether or not to share. I decided against it. I figured it would all come out in time. After all, I wear my pump during class, keep honey packets by my mat, and frequently check my blood sugar. Some smartypants will put it together.   At some point, when I actually know all these people's names, it will be a no-brainer. 

Until then....hi, I'm Bonnie and I like yoga. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coffee or Tea

I am not a coffee drinker. Even though I really, really want to be a coffee drinker. I looooooovvvvveee coffee.

What I don't love about coffee are the accompanying crack shakes and immediate bathroom needs that frequently follow its ingestion. Have I shared too much? Coffee will make me jittery and jumpy for hours. In fact, it actually makes me feel like I'm hypoglycemic!

What makes this star-crossed love affair with coffee even more challenging is when it's all made PUMPKIN FLAVORED! You're just mean, Universe!

Have you missed all the pumpkin-flavored coffees everywhere? Are you in living under a rock? Because they're EVERYWHERE!
For ha-ha's, I invegistated whether there was any nutritional differences in regular coffee compared to my strongly desired pumpkin flavored varieties in feeble attempt to knock the cravings out of me.

Shockingly, there is quite a difference! A Dunkin' Donuts large pumpkin coffee has 210 calories compared to a regular coffee which only has 10! The Starbuck's Pumpkin Spiced Latte, even if it's made with fat-free milk, still has 7 grams of fat! What?!

Shockingly, this do not knock the cravings right out of me! What it did do was motivate me to create my own non-withdrawal symptom inducing, all-natural Pumpkin Spiced Latte.


Pumpkin Spiced Latte (with Coffee or Tea)

by Bonnie Graham
Keywords: beverage pumpkin fall


Ingredients (2 servings or 1 large cup)
  • 1 c brewed coffee or chai tea
  • 3/4 c milk
  • 2 tbsp canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • dash ground clove, optional
  • OR you can add a tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • sweetener of choice, to taste
1. Brew your coffee or tea.
2. Combine remaining ingredients in a microwave-safe measuring cup. Heat milk/pumpkin/spice mixture until it is very hot, about a minute and a half in the microwave
3. Pour coffee/tea mixture into a high speed blender. Blend on high until mixture is fully incorporated and frothy.
4. Top with pumpkin pie spice, if desired.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dirty Veggies, Part 11

I think I've gone a little buck wild on squash.

Right now, I have three acorn squash, 1 huge butternut squash, 1 patty pan squash (which I have no idea what to do with, thanks Mom!), and 1 spaghetti squash all sitting on my kitchen counter. It's just so hard when you walk around the farmer's market and see all these amazing (and cheap) squash there!

However, the real star of this week's farmer's market is this guy:

Meet Romesco. Or, as Jerry referred to him, Little Shop of Horrors. Feeeed meeeee, Seymour!

Romesco is an alien variation of cauliflower. When I saw this bad boy at the farmer's market for only $1.50/lb, I knew I had to get him. I have never made (or eaten) Romesco before, but I always wanted too. I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do with him, but I'm sure it'll be delicious.

This is the stuff I am talking about, people, when I talk about the farmer's market. Where else would I have been able to buy this guy if it wasn't for the market. I certainly haven't seen him in Stop and Shop. That's what makes the market so amazing. And why you should go do it.

Okay, okay, I'm stepping down off the soapbox.

Here's the weekly roundup:
7 onions (red and white) - $2.95
1 head of garlic - $1.25
1 bunch Swiss Chard - $2.00
1 bunch fresh sage - $1.75
3 lemons - $1
6 Bosc pears - $2.25
1 head of Romesco - $2.25
2 green peppers - $1
1 spaghetti squash - $2.25
Total: $16.70

To learn more about Dirty Veggie posts, read here and here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Coping Mechanism

Urdvah Mukhasvasana
Adho Mukhasvasana

No, that's not Jackson walking across my laptop. Nor am I having a stroke. Those are actually words. In Sanskrit. If you think spelling them is hard, try saying them. To a roomful of people.

This is what the first weekend of Yoga Teacher Training held for me. While this first weekend was exciting, interesting, and energizing, it was also overwhelming and intimidating. On the third day of our training, we had to "teach" each other the poses of Sun Salutation A. If you have ever taken a yoga class before, this is a pretty common set of poses. Even my father knows Downward Dog. What is not so common is saying the Sanskrit names for each pose to a room of 20 people!

In preparation for my teaching debut on Sunday morning, I did what I normally do to calm my nerves and kill some time. I cooked my little heart out!

For me, cooking serves many purposes. Besides the obvious need for nourishment, cooking is a way of coping with something that may be stressful, of releasing energy, of procrastinating. Maybe you can tell from the photo below just how much "coping" I needed since I cooked enough food for a small army.

In case you can't read my chicken scratch, I made:
  • Applesauce
  • Beer Bread
  • Spicy Broccoli + Red Lentil Dal
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Cookies
  • Tomato Pepita Sauce
  • Bean-stuffed Poblano Peppers
All before leaving for my training at 1 PM. In.Sane.

One of the dishes I made used my fresh farmer's market broccoli. Yay! This dish is spicy. If spice isn't your thang, feel free to adjust the spices to your liking.

Spicy Broccoli and Red Lentil Dal

by Bonnie Graham
Keywords: entree vegetarian red lentils broccoli

Ingredients (4 servings)
  • 1 c red lentils
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp mustard seeds
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 c chopped fresh broccoli
  • 2 1/2 c vegetable broth
  • 2 c milk
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice + lemon wedges for garnish
  • 2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 tbsp garam masala
  • 1 1/2 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp tumeric
  • paprika, to garnish
1. Add oil to a large saucepan over medium heat. Add in the uncooked lentils, chopped sweet onion, cumin, and mustard seeds. Cook on low-medium heat for about 6-9 minutes until the mixture begins to sizzle.
3. While this mixture is cooking, roughly chop the florets. Place stems and florets into a food processor and process to desired consistency.
3. Add broccoli and veggie broth to saucepan. Stir well. Add salt.
4. Cover and cook this mixture on low for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. After about 20 minutes, add in milk, lemon juice, turmeric, garam masala, red pepper flakes, curry powder, and additional salt (to taste) if necessary.
6. Cook on low for another 10 minutes. Serve.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Why Dirty Veggies?

It's been brought to my attention that maybe people don't really care what I buy at the farmer's market from week to week.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should!

1. Because I love the farmer's market! And anything I love, you should love too. Because we're connected like that. Like soul mates. Like brothers from another mother. Like BFFs who will like totally love each other forever.

2. Because if you're truly into food, the farmer's market is your best source for the freshest veggies possible. Things from the farmer's market really do taste better. They're fresher. They're more flavorful. They're just good. It's the way food should taste when it's not loaded up on pesticides and shipped from half way across the world on a diesel-fueled truck.

3. Because it's important to support your local farmers. Large corporations are under-cutting and eliminating smaller local farmers at steadfast speed. By buying from your local farmer's market, you're helping to keep small family farms, that may have been operating for decades, in business!

4. Because it's better for you. The benefits don't just extend to your local farmers. Large corporate farms  are slowly poisoning our foods with pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified mutations, etc. Most of these farms are organic, but because of restrictive and expensive governmental processes to obtain an official label of "organic," many don't have the resources to go through the process. By ingesting less processed, pesticide-free food, you're improving your health without even trying.

5. Because you should be going to your local farmer's market too! The point of showing my weekly goods from the market is encourage you to get out to your local markets. It dispels the misconception that farmer's markets are overpriced. I can get the same things for the same price or even cheaper then what's available in the supermarket.

While I can appreciate that my grocery list may not be as exciting to some as it is to me, these posts aren't without purpose. And it would probably be more meaningful if you actually saw the outcomes of those grocery lists....meaning recipes. Which I will be conscious of posting so you know my veggies are decaying into a puddle at the bottom of my fridge.

And lastly, if you just not down with the Dirty Veggie posts, skip'em. I'll never know.

Now....without further ado, this week's roundup:
7 onions - $2
1 pint of fingerling potatoes - $3 - this week's splurge
3 NYS Bosc Pears - $2
1 head napa cabbage - $1
3 acorn squash - $2 - deal of the week
Total: $10 

To learn more about Dirty Veggie posts, read here

Friday, October 12, 2012

Namaste, Bitches.

I've done it. I'm taking the plunge.
No, I'm not engaged and I'm not pregnant.
I am even better then those things! I'm a yoga teacher. Yay!

Okay, okay, I'm not quite a yoga teacher yet. But I will be soon.

The plunge I am taking is into a 200-hour yoga teacher training with my favorite yoga studio, The Yoga Room in Astoria, starting this Friday.

I love yoga. I've been practicing for over 7 years now and I'm always amazed at what a difference yoga makes in my life. Besides the physical affects of feeling more fit, lean, and flexible, yoga also has an amazing impact on my mind as it reduces my anxiety, calms me down, and makes me more midnful.

Over the last few years, becoming a yoga teacher has become more and more appealing to me. I had just discussed what a life-changing experience it would be when my old yoga studio in Astoria sent out an e-mail annoucing its next 200-hour teacher training. I took it as a sign. Isn't that very yogi of me?

So I applied! With much anxiety. It's quite the commitment. It's two weekends a month on Friday evenings and all day on Saturday and Sundays for four months. In addition to the actual teacher training, I also need to practice at the studio at least three times a week. Eek!

As the days have ticked down to its actual start date, my anxiety has started to increase. Will I have the time? Will I be in shape enough? Will I be passing out every three hours from hypoglyemia?! Just kidding, Mom.

Now that it's finally here, I am really excited....and slightly overwhelmed. Here's to the next step in this crazy adventure.

Namaste, bitches.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I've Got a Problem

Okay...fine...I have many problems. But this post will focus on just one.

I'm sure you won't be shocked to learn that it's pumpkin. Pumpkin is my problem. Never at any other time of year do I crave one single thing like I do for all things pumpkin in Autumn. Cakes, breads, cookies, soups, chili, curries, beers, ice cream, body scrubs, whatever.

I want pumpkin EVERYTHING! And all of the lovely, warming spices that go along with it. I've been adding cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and clove to everything I'm making. Even if it's scrambled eggs. No, no, just kidding. For now. 

The problem I have with this spice list, besides the obvious scrambled egg debacle, is that I can never get the ratios correct. I love all of these spices on their own and in combination that I tend to over-do it in most things I make.

Well, not with this one, in this one, I actually got the right combination of spice, flavors, and pumpkin.

Here's another problem I have (I told you there were many). I like to bake. I am diabetic. The two don't really mesh well. Additionally, Jerry is one of those people who says that he doesn't like desserts or baked goods. He's also one of those people who will finish off an entire tray of brownies when you're not looking. My baking makes Jerry angry because he knows that I'll eat one of whatever I've just baked and he'll eat the rest. See, problems.

In an attempt to meet my baking jones and not have my boyfriend hate me every time the oven timer dings, I have halved this recipe to make only 6 muffins instead of the usual dozen. You can easily double it to accommodate non-fat kid needs.

Pumpkin Streusel Muffins

by Bonnie Graham
Cook Time: 23 - 25 minutes
Keywords: bake breakfast snack vegetarian oats pumpkin cinnamon coconut oil fall
Ingredients (6 muffins)
    Cinnamon Streusel Ingredients:
    • 1 tbsp sucanat or sweetener of your choices
    • 1 tbsp butter, margarine, or coconut oil - I used coconut oil
    • 1 tbsp oat flour
    • 2 tbsp rolled oats
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    Muffin Ingredients:
    • 1/2 c oat flour (finely ground oats)
    • 1/4 c whole wheat pastry flour
    • 1 t baking powder
    • 1/4 tsp baking soda
    • 1/4 tsp salt
    • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
    • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
    • 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
    • pinch of ground cloves (optional)
    • 3 tbsp milk
    • 1/2 c pumpkin puree
    • 2 tbsp butter, margarine, or coconut oil - I used coconut oil
    • 1/4 c sucanat or sweetener of your choice
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    2. Make streusel by combining all ingredients and set aside.
    3. For muffins, combine flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and spices. Mix well.
    4. Mix pumpkin, milk, oil and sweetener of choice. Fold wet ingredients into dry and stir until just moistened.
    5. Spoon half of batter into 6 muffin tins that has been greased. Top with half of the streusel and swirl in with a knife. Spoon remaining batter on top of streusel and top with remaining streusel.
    6. Bake for 23 - 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan for at least 10 minutes.
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    Friday, October 5, 2012

    On Repeat

    I'm not sure if you noticed, but I like to cook. I also like diversity. Jerry also likes these things.

    The problem with two cooks in the kitchen is that we come up with original recipes on a regular basis. Which doesn't initially seem like a problem. Except we never seem to have the same meal twice. Even meals that we really enjoy. 

    This is a meal that we said we would make again. That we talked about how good it was the entire time we ate. That we actually saved the scraps of our bowls so we could have them for leftovers. 

    This meal will be put on repeat. Oh yes. It will. 

    Moroccan-Inspired Butternut Squash Quinoa

    by Bonnie Graham
    Keywords: roast entree vegetarian butternut squash quinoa apples fall winter

    • 1 large butternut squash, peeled and diced
    • 1/2 c quinoa
    • 2 c water
    • 1 large onion, diced
    • 1 apple, diced
    • 1/3 c raisins
    • cinnamon, to taste
    • nutmeg, to taste
    • cayenne pepper, to taste
    • smoked paprika, to taste
    • cumin, to taste
    • salt and pepper
    1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
    2. Roast butternut squash on an oiled baking sheet with salt and pepper for 45 to 50 minutes, flipping half way through.
    3. Meanwhile, place quinoa with 2 cups of water over medium high heat. Simmer for 15 to 18 minutes.
    4. While everything else cooks, saute onions and apples over medium heat until soften. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add raisins.
    5. Once everything is done cooking, flavor quinoa with the cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, and cayenne, tasting as you flavor.
    6. Top quinoa with squash and onion mixture. Enjoy!
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    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Dirty Veggies, Part 9

    You may have noticed a slight decline in my visits to the farmer's market. I have been off the last few Wednesdays. As much as I love my farmer's market, I'm not driving up to Westchester from Jersey! It's had to go on without me. Sniffle, sniffle

    However, I more then made up for it this week with my ridiculously awesome (over budget) buys! I was so excited about everything I got this week, I actually texted Jerry to tell him about all of my wonderful buys. Funny, somehow he wasn't as enthusiastic about poblano peppers and broccoli as I was!

    Crap picture of veggies. Adorable picture of Jackson. 
    This week's roundup:
    1 head garlic - free....I realized afterwards that the guy didn't ring it up. Oopsy.
    1 bunch celery - $2.50
    5 onions - $1.75
    2 heads of broccoli - $1.00! Farm fresh broccoli! I'm not sure I have ever had such a thing!
    1 pint cherry tomatoes - $2.00 The last I'll be seeing for a while
    3 lemons - $1.00 Not local, but I needed them
    4 yams - $3.50
    3 poblano peppers - $2.00
    3 pears - $2.50
    2 large parsnips - $2.50
    1 bunch fresh thyme - $1.50
    Total: $20.25

    Let's see that face upclose!

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Oats, It's What's For Dinner

    I know, I know, you're thinking "What crazy, ridiculous meal do you want us to eat now?!"

    It's just oats. For dinner. But not in that desserty, fruity, breakfasty way you usually eat oats.

    No, my friends. Oats in a cheesy, savory, comforting kind of way.

    As you can imagine after having spent a magical (yes, magical) 10 days in Europe, drinking Sangria, eating tapas, and enjoying beautiful views, my first day back to work was a tough one. You're feeling bad for me, aren't you? I know. Poor me. All the calm I had experienced on my trip immediately melted away as soon as my ass hit the desk chair.

    When I came home from work that first day, all I wanted was a big ol' bowl of something comforting. And a bottle of wine. To myself. That box of Annie's Mac and Cheese taunted me from the pantry, but I thought to myself, "Self, you need something slightly more nutritious (and less carby) then a box of mac and cheese."

    This is where savory oats came in! Savory oats are something I have seen before on a few of the blogs I frequent. Seemed a little weird, but I like weird. It actually turned out to be delicious! It reminded me of risotto.

    Which you will not agree with now that I suggested it. But you would have thought so too had I not said anything. You're so bratty.

    Topped with homegrown tomatoes and left over roasted veggies

    Savory Oats

    by Bonnie Graham
    Keywords: entree vegetarian oats smoked paprika
    Ingredients (2 servings)
    • 1/2 c regular oats
    • 1 c water
    • 1/2 c milk
    • 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
    • 2 tablespoon nutritional yeast (the cheeze factor or you can use parmesan)
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
    • 1/2 tsp oregano
    • dash of tumeric (for color)
    • salt and pepper
    1. In a medium pot, mix together al your ingredients over high heat until it starts to bubble.
    2. Once bubbling, reduce heat and let cook for several minutes, adding a little bit extra milk if needed.
    3. Prepare toppings of your choice while oats continue to cook.
    4. Plate up and enjoy your bowl of oats!
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